Self care is a popular topic these days
It is often seen in magazines,newspapers and the likes,still people do not have a clear view of what it is. In our lifestyle section for today,we will discuss what self care is really about and why it is so important. It might seem baseless or seen as a waste of time and resources but with this article, we shall see why there should be some self care routines and will help understand the specific changes we need to make .

Firstly,what Is Self Care?
Self care is a term that includes everything and anything you do to be good to yourself.In other words,self care is the personal care you provide to yourself in order to maintain mental,physical and emotional health.Sellf care may include avoiding fake friends, taking a nap, watching TV, taking a short walk or avoiding social media.

However, it is important to know that not everything that feels good is self care. We can be tempted to use unhealthy coping mechanism such as drugs, alcohol,over eating,addicting sex and so many other things which helps to regulate challenging emotions temporarily.

Self care is extremely important because it not only keeps you healthy but also enables increased self knowledge, improved resistance to diseases, better productivity and maximum level of happiness.Most elements of self care can be categorized into:
Physical self care.
•Mental self care.
•Emotional self care.

These three areas interact and influences one other.

Physical self care :- means taking good care of your body. This includes exercise, diet, sleep and treatment of health conditions.Physical self care doesn't have to be just going to gym when there are so many other ideas for physical self care.
Physical self care ideas includes;
*Getting plenty of sleep.
*Dancing to your favourite songs.
*Going for walks.
*Eating more fruits and vegetables.
Mental self care :- means giving your mind the love, kindness and relaxation it deserves. It could also means taking time away from social media and social responsibilities.
Mental self care ideas includes;
*Avoiding social media.
*Reading good books.
*Laughing regularly.
*Creating more time for your hobbies.

Emotional self care :- means paying good attention to your mood/emotions. Are you angry,anxious or sad. If so, try some emotional self care ideas like spending time with loved ones, helping the poor and staying positive.
Emotional self care ideas includes:
*Keeping journals.
*Spending quality time with friends and family.
*Having good cries for cleansing.
*Helping someone in need.

Everyone has different self care habits,so picking the one you feel you need at the moment is always the best.

Live freely, happily and breezy with these self care tips.
Remember, you first!.

The Africanweirdo's blog ©2018


  1. Nice writeups��

  2. ����������

  3. Hey! Loved it. This is an important topic. Everyone should read this. very well written :)

  4. Self care is completely underrated, and yet crucial to helping us. Great topic, great post!

  5. I'm so happy more people are starting to talk about self-care. It's incredibly important and misunderstood

  6. I totally agree with you about self care. Everyone must really take care of themselves. We only have one body so we should not abuse it. We must take care of it because it's what helps us get through every single day. :)

  7. I'm so happy that I read this! Thank you for this beautiful tips!

  8. Now, this should be on our priority in life. I've totally agree in everything you've said and will definitely practice this on our daily lives.

  9. I like how you first describe what is self care, avoiding social media is one of them, I totally agree with that! We have spent too much time on social media that it actually eats up all our time for sleep and mingling with friends.

  10. Taking care of oneself is a nice decision. It makes one confident and strong physically and mentally.

  11. People are definitely not caring for themselves, or much for others these days. Especially not for their mental health. Emotional health is also not high on peoples priority lists. You need to leave the social media and be between people, connection is very important

  12. How timely, my son is currently learning about this topic in his PhysEd/Health subject in school.

  13. Self care has always been important and you definitely know what it is. Great tips!

  14. Self care is very important especially mental care. I've seen a lot of instances where mental health isn't focused on and the negative results that can have.

  15. I definitely need to pay more attention to my mental well-being, and you're right, taking a break from social media would be some great self-care! I'll have to spend some time away from screens this weekend=)

  16. This is a relevant post. Self-care is a very important part of the overall way that you love and treat yourself. Good one.

  17. Too often we forget how important it is to look after ourselves as we are so busy looking after everyone else. These posts give me a boost to remember to make time for me!

  18. Self care is very important. We have to remember how important it is to take care of ourselves.

  19. Thank you for sharing these tips. I do not feel happy in the summer because i don't go to school and cannot talk with my friends. I do not smile a lot. I guess I should take care of my emotional health carefully.

  20. Nice article. Very important, yet being taken for granted by many. This is a good advocate to how can we should pay attention and take good care of ourselves.

  21. Yes! This! Self care is terribly important and sometimes it's a lot more than a bath and a face mask, but sometimes it's as simple as that. x


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